College is hard but don’t worry

Before I entered my graphic design education I wish someone had told me about some key details. College is on an amazing and dynamic time in any persons life but for a designer, there is something different about the challenge of college presents. Aside from the normal thing that your parents and friends tell you about college, like “these are going to be the best 4 years of your life” and the never-ending “talk to you professors ” conversation (which is completely true by the way), there are thing you are going to learn extremely fast about college.

Tip #1: Make more than one group of friends. Make friends with the people living across the hall from you. Make friends with people from different majors. Make the most random friends you can because you don’t know if you will be friends with the same people you came into school with. Living on campus creates a very different friendship dynamic than in high school. Some majors spend more time together than others so it’s important to find balance in the friend groups.

Tip #2: Get to know your professors. They are your greatest ally in making sure your classes go well. Always ask questions where you think they are stupid or not, cause most of the time people are thinking the same thing as you. Adjusting to classes can be hard but making sure that you understand the material makes it that much easier for success. Professors want you to succeed and will try hard to work with you through problems and challenges.

Tip #3: Find your tribe. This is something that can change your entire outlook on college life. Your tribe is the group of people that support you and are there for you through thick and thin. They will pull all-nighters right beside you and will always lend an ear to talk about the issues of school life.

I will probably think of something more later but this is what I wish I had known before heading to college to be a designer

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